by simon baird

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The world flag is quite beige

robertpykeSomeone should look at overlaying, with some kind of transparency, every countries flag, to see what the "international" flag is.

trevorandersenIcon_lock@robertpyke It'd probably just be a grey rectangle...

robertpyke@trevorandersen Possibly even beige.. how very neutral ;)

trevorandersenIcon_lock@robertpyke Almost what you're looking for:

robertpyke@trevorandersen: Nice, thanks for that.

DanielBaird@robertpyke RT: "Someone should look at overlaying, with … transparency, every countries flag, to see what the "international" flag is."

I was intrigued and wondered how quickly I could do this. About twenty minutes for a very rough version. Here it is:

Here is some ruby:

After a little more googling I found this:

but I think I am going to leave it now for more productive uses of my time. Anyone want to take over please be my guest.

I just realised it should be a jquery script that adds images one at a time and adjusts the opacity with each image addition. There's some chance I will actually make this because I would like to see it...

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