by simon baird

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

for loop syntax in rakudo perl 6

# this is ruby
(1,2,3).each { |i| puts i }

# this is perl 6
for 1,2,3 -> $i { say $i }

# being perl of course you can do this (which isn't that different to perl 5)
for 1,2,3 { say $_ }

# but now this (looks like things might be proper objects now...?)

for 1,2,3 { $_.say }

# and even this
for 1,2,3 { .say }

# Update: and finally (for the golfing win...)
.say for 1,2,3

So anyway, if that's interesting then have a look at

And some good stuff at also.

You can actually install rakudo now without much pain (at least it was pretty smooth on my ubuntu box), see

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