I've seen a lot of good movies this week. Here's a list.
Howl's Moving CastleBeautiful, wonderful movie. Miyasaki, please don't retire yet! Almost as good as Spirited Away. Story a little confusing and a bit different to the book. ****1/2
SawWow. Like Se7en but better. Maybe the best ending ever. Avoid if you're squeamish. ****1/2
Saw 2Another stunning ending you never saw coming. Lost a half star for the slightly contrived setup for another sequel. ****
Sin CityBelieve the hype. It is good. Visually stunning and extremely violent. Worth owning. I think I would watch it again. ****1/2
Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireMoody is great though I think his eye should have been bigger - about the size of an orange. The Voldemort scene - brilliant. Ron's hair - awesome. It seems like there's more of a sense of fun than previous HP movies. Gets the final half star for Jarvis Cocker. Stay for the credits to hear Jarvis and the unmistakable guitar sounds of Johnny Greenwood. *****
Half Life 2 (Xbox)Okay it's not a movie but... I'm up the the part where you get a gun for your boat, so not that far into it. The game is incredible. The first time I beat a barnacle with my crow bar while it slurped me upwards... gaming heaven. The physics engine raises the bar forever - any game without a comparable physics engine is going to seem lame. I sometimes watch a broken cardboard box falling down stairs, awestruck by the way it moves. (But then I am a bit of a geek). Why can't I see my hands? *****