by simon baird
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Handy Icelandic Phrases
Já, anskotann - Fuck yeah
Sannur vinur manns - My true friend
Heyvagn á massey ferguson - A wagon of hay on a Massey Ferguson
Hoppípolla - Hopping into puddles
Brosandi - Smiling
Hendumst í hringi - Spinning around
Höldumst í hendur - Holding hands
Og hér ert þú - And here you are
Borðum og drekkum saddir - We eat and drink ourselves full
Þetta er ágætis byrjun - This is an alright start
Glósóli-leg hún - She's the glowing sun
Komdu út - So come out
Starir á mig lítill álfur - A little elf stares at me
Nýr dagur - New day
Held áfram að leita - I continue my search
nellie the elephant by toy dolls in 1984
click through to the top of the pops version if you liked that...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
last night it went below 8 degrees
08:30 EST | 14.0°C |
08:30 EST | 14.0°C |
08:20 EST | 12.7°C |
08:10 EST | 12.0°C |
08:00 EST | 11.4°C |
08:00 EST | 11.4°C |
07:50 EST | 10.6°C |
07:40 EST | 10.2°C |
07:30 EST | 10.0°C |
07:30 EST | 10.0°C |
07:20 EST | 9.3°C |
07:10 EST | 8.7°C |
07:00 EST | 8.3°C |
07:00 EST | 8.3°C |
06:50 EST | 7.9°C |
06:40 EST | 8.0°C |
06:30 EST | 8.0°C |
06:30 EST | 8.0°C |
06:20 EST | 8.4°C |
06:10 EST | 8.7°C |
06:00 EST | 8.3°C |
06:00 EST | 8.3°C |
05:50 EST | 8.5°C |
05:40 EST | 8.3°C |
05:30 EST | 8.2°C |
05:30 EST | 8.2°C |
05:20 EST | 8.0°C |
05:10 EST | 8.4°C |
05:00 EST | 9.6°C |
05:00 EST | 9.6°C |
04:50 EST | 8.1°C |
04:40 EST | 7.7°C |
04:30 EST | 7.9°C |
04:30 EST | 7.9°C |
04:20 EST | 8.5°C |
04:10 EST | 8.3°C |
04:00 EST | 8.2°C |
04:00 EST | 8.2°C |
03:50 EST | 8.3°C |
03:40 EST | 8.9°C |
03:30 EST | 8.7°C |
03:30 EST | 8.7°C |
03:20 EST | 8.1°C |
03:10 EST | 8.6°C |
03:00 EST | 8.6°C |
03:00 EST | 8.6°C |
02:50 EST | 8.7°C |
02:40 EST | 8.9°C |
02:30 EST | 8.7°C |
02:30 EST | 8.7°C |
02:20 EST | 9.0°C |
02:10 EST | 8.6°C |
02:00 EST | 8.4°C |
02:00 EST | 8.4°C |
01:50 EST | 8.6°C |
23:40 EST | 9.8°C |
23:30 EST | 9.6°C |
23:30 EST | 9.6°C |
23:20 EST | 9.8°C |
23:10 EST | 9.6°C |
23:00 EST | 9.5°C |
23:00 EST | 9.5°C |
22:50 EST | 9.7°C |
22:40 EST | 10.4°C |
22:30 EST | 10.2°C |
22:30 EST | 10.2°C |
22:20 EST | 10.5°C |
22:10 EST | 10.7°C |
22:00 EST | 11.0°C |
22:00 EST | 11.0°C |
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tenori-On Inspired PacklSound1 iPhone App Coming Soon, But Not Soon Enough [...
The Tenori-On is the zany Yamaha touch-based musical sequencer that caught our eye earlier this year, but this cool PacklSound1 iPhone app could very well be the portable version that puts us over the edge. It's a simpler version of the original $1,200 Tenori-On box, but that didn't stop the designer from laying down a quick, catchy beat. Seeing it in action, makes me want it right now:
And here's the original video demonstrating Tenori-On's seemingly infinite capabilities:
Monday, July 28, 2008
countdown till staturday night (he saw toads)
if you're curious:
ez Components?
Update: A blog post on object persistence in Zend and ez Components.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
uneducated thoughts on carbon trading
Kevin07: leading carbon emission permit trading scheme....
Industry: ...we'll shut down. move overseas. thousands of jobs will go...
Kevin07: ...oh don't worry. You guys will get free carbon emission credits...
Australia: ... eh?
Australia: and did you realise we share the same atmosphere as China...?
My two point plan to reduce carbon emissions:
- ban incandescent bulbs
- compulsory solar hot water on all new houses
Thursday, July 24, 2008
nice desktop wallpaper
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
may the crown thief contract a voracious and incurable skin disease
Sunday, July 20, 2008
it's got no eyes and a teeny tiny mouth. it moves like a snake. and
has a flicky tongue. it has scales but it looks like a worm. it lives
in my palm tree.
Friday, July 18, 2008
jQuery is a beautiful thing...
$(document).ready(function(){ $('#quiz_submit_button').click(function(){ // check they answered everything if ($('input[@type="radio"]:checked').size() != $('.question').size()) { alert('Please answer every question.'); return false; }; return true; }); });
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Date: Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 10:44 PM
Subject: Dispatch of SIgur Ros tickets - sorry if this is late and you already have the tickets!
Your ticket order is now on its way to you ! Your order has been packed and despatched using a registered mail service, to the address below. A signature will be required. Simon Baird51 B______ Cres Kirwan QLD 4817 If the delivery is not successful, a calling card will be left, advising you of how to arrange a new delivery date or delivery address. Your reference number is RD 2______ and you can track the delivery by calling Australia post on 131318 or by contacting your local post office. Please get in touch if you haven't received your order one week before the date of the show. We hope you have a great show