In other pop music news, the award for worst (non-)rhyming, "delicious/addictive" goes to Avril. And the coolest pop song of the week goes to Cupid's Chokehold. Did you notice that guy raps almost exactly like Eminem?
by simon baird
Monday, April 30, 2007
Timbaland is the new King of Pop
In other pop music news, the award for worst (non-)rhyming, "delicious/addictive" goes to Avril. And the coolest pop song of the week goes to Cupid's Chokehold. Did you notice that guy raps almost exactly like Eminem?
i blog my weekend, the sequel
- Friday night, I go to play poker. It's the Australian Poker League. I have to sign up and get my little player id card. Since I don't know where I'm going I got trapped into joining the Brother's Leagues Club. $5.50. I was early, had to sit around for a while. I met this woman who started talking to me. Turns out she knows A. Moll. Alex is there. I talk to a tall bearded guy who works at the hospital. A woman at my table tells about when she went down to a big tournament somewhere. You have to pay your own air fares but it's worth it she says. A guy at my table spills his beer all over the table. Eventually I get knocked out about 10:20pm which is not too bad, I guess I almost made it to the top 50%. Won a few pots but didn't have much luck. I think I will play again.
- After I get home I start watching Big Brother Up Late. So far BB has bored me (first week) but I get sucked in to Emma and what's her name in the bath tub discussing nominations. Later (Sunday night, dinner and BB at K & S's), I shush people when I can't hear. So I guess I'm 100% hooked again. Oh well. :)
- Since I'm tired and feel lazy I sleep in and miss circuit with Viv. Milly goes and says it was great. She has brekky afterwards with the On Fire crew and gets hard poached eggs on her benny. (Side note: Lately this is the bain marie of our lives. To all breakfast chefs: poached eggs are meant to have SOFT yolks. And don't say I should have pacifically arksed for soft. I didn't have to ask you to NOT burn the toast did I? Gah. Well I suppose this is what you have to live with when you live in a regional centre).
- Well the rest of the weekend I mostly just sat around staring at the TV feeling laziness and vague guilt for my idleness. Oh and I watched Hostel. Ew.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
i blog my weekend
I had a nice weekend. This is so I can look back some day and remember it.
- I drink a small glass of red at work. Talk to Anne about her dream to start a Montesorri school next year.
- I ride home. Everyone was upstairs on front balcony couch. I drink a beer. T is hammered on about three sips of bubbly. :)
- M was having a sleepover at Grandma's. S and K drop him off and the 5 of us go around to Danny and Louise's. Talk to D about Robert Rodriguez movies. He lends me Hostel and the Mexico trilogy. He shows me his US version of Sin City that comes with the actual book. We eat chilli with rice. Then we play kelly pool, drink beer and listen to their mp3 mix tape. D and L invite us to come fishing the next day. Milly's and T say they're going to Viv's circuit class. I said I was too but no-one believes me. :)
- Get up about 7. Go to circuit class. It was really good but hard. Viv > Sam. Feeling the effects of the beer I flake out two thirds in and have to sit down and try not to vomit. T is a champ.
- We drive to Rowe's bay and recognise D's car by it's Everton sticker. It's nearly 9am. They are on the beach with a bunch of rods setup on rod holders. D has knee high black stinger socks. He's cast-netting for bait. The water is flat and the sun hot. The beach is almost empty. We put on sunscreen. T is afraid of sunburn so she sits wrapped up in towels and umbrellas. D gives me a spare rod and I do a reasonable job of casting right over one of his lines. It's Mum's 60th so I go back to the car and get my mobile to call her in Alice Springs. We joke about motor cycles. There's pretty good signal. While I'm on the phone D catches a baby hammer head shark. He catches little white fish with black stripes and yellow bits and uses some for live bait. Later I get a few bites but catch nothing.
- We go home and meet K, S and M. I wonder how M's sleepover went. He seems a little stressed. We decide to have lunch at Clint Bradley's. We take two cars. Milly and I get to ride together alone which is nice. I order a savoury muffin that came with weird green gherkin relish and coffee and ready yesterday's paper. We talk about how T is going to be an extra in the Baz Luhrman movie. She's organising accomodation in Bowen for 5 weeks next month.
- On the way home we stop at the big Salvos. This used to be our weekly habit but it's been a long time since I've been there since we are now trying get rid of junk instead of collecting it.I bought a travel document holder. $1. We look next door at asics shoes for Milly.
- At home we stare at the telly for a while. I decide to go buy some touch up paint for my bike. I find it at Supercheap auto and also buy some other bits and pieces there including a tyre pressure tester. On the way home I practice slow U-turns in the back of Canon park.
- I consider going to see the Buddy Holly story staring Dave Clay. No-one wants to go with me so I stay home. We eat leftovers for dinner.
- Sunday morning Milly and I leave T sleeping and sneak out for breakfast at Luka Bean. I eat a bacon/egg burger. Noel and B show up. They join us. They buy food and later licorice all-sorts on a plate. We leave in a hurry and forget to pay! I phone Noel from the Willows intersection and he says he will get the bill for us. We wander around the Willows markets for a little bit and meet EJ and kids. We discuss her upcoming movie career also. Victoria and her family appear also. She is incomprehensible. Her baby is very cute. We go to Gloria Jeans and text Chris and Deet. As we wander to the car, past the new rabbit fence, back we stop in a couple of shops and cash converters. I buy a combination luggage lock and a magazine. Milly gets me a wooden thing from the wooden thing shop and trys to buy a porcelain spoon. The shop girl overcharges us $1. We tell her.
- At home I decide that my bike needs oil. I go and buy some and also put air in my tires, they are 10 PSI under inflated. I apply the touch up paint to the scratches. You spray the paint in the cap and apply with a little brush. Milly lets me paint a tiny flower in purple and silver on her green toenail polish. I realise that I don't need oil because I was looking at the indicator with the bike on the side stand. Duh. I wash the bike and also Milly's car then I clean the chain and lube it. My hands and fingernails turn black. I setup my gearsack so it's locked to the bike and also put the luggage lock on the zipper. Now I am late for bowling. I clean my hands and get dressed.
- It's M's "Gotcha" day so we are going bowling. I score a disappointing 97. I take some camera footage of the kids. Jun is very good. Shaun is also good. He scores 132. J is forced to bowl left handed. Milly scores 16. She has to go the airport to get Sacha. Shaun and I have another game quickly before everyone else is finished. I at least get above 100.
- We drive over to J & S's. T takes photos of the house for the party. We eat fish and salad and cake and watch most of Big Brother opening night. Later on after most of the guests have gone home we have a swim. It's cold. I take some underwater photos of Milly and T. J shows us his sexpo showbag. I watch some of Cars on the cinema screen. Still haven't seen all of that movie.
- We go home. Milly and T are wet. I'm not since I already got dressed. At home Milly and I watch a little tv. I read some of my bike magazine in bed and eventually fall asleep.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
andrew bird
maybe I should have explained that.. Andrew Bird is a violinist singer/songwriter who I was lucky enough to see live supporting Joanna Newsom. I've been digging him a lot lately. The muppets are from a tv show on the "childrens music channel" or something like that, where Andrew made a guest appearance to sing a song called Dr Stringz. I thought it was nice though those muppets are dreadfully annoying. What is it with childrens' TV? Even the good shows are really bad.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Gmail Paper
call me gullible, I thought it was real :) it seems like a cool product... and actually in some parts of the world this service really exists... see here
Monday, April 02, 2007
my favourite commercial ever
Ps, I have broadband again, hurrah! RIP Rawnet. Pps, the newspaper said you can still get your duty free.
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